Pacific Theatre
Considering the staged set as an encounter for the live liberation of objects and bodies with gendered and militarized histories, this speculative performance opened space for enactment and extemporization among culturally specific bodies given agency, through performance, to move between states of hypervisibility and invisibility. As performers, directors, stage hands, audience — troubling various permutations of these roles — we tried our motions in reoccupying a single vantage point — the camera that held us. The primed-for-greenscreening photo/video set implemented a discrete site existing simultaneously in both real space and time, and in the speculative space of the digital.
Conceived & filmed by Adrien Sun Hall
March – June 2018
HD video in three parts, performance, set
Vox Populi, Icebox Project Space, David Nolan Gallery
Images courtesy of Adrien Sun Hall